
As always there are no prizes so no cheating. To be eligible for this list they must have advocated for literal war crimes on the unvaccinated. Advocating the use of force, fraud, deceit, duress, containment or coercion on people to get them into this or other medical experiments makes you eligible. Just advocating for people to get the shots is promotion and does not qualify.

Sadly some people who would be on the list have died so they will be put in a "Dishonourable Mention" category. People like former NFL player Uche Nwaneri who wanted unvaxxed jailed and Australian Dr Wilson Chin who ran a clinic for injecting children under 12. So since we can't mock them with votes we will mock them with memes:



As a reminder the "Celebrity Virtue Signalling War Criminal Dead Pool" does not advocate violence in any form against anyone. It is unneeded. The war criminals are taking themselves out at a good rate already and the only real question is "Cheat or True Believer?". So we just vote and wait.

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Sean Penn sure was a brother in arms during the heat of 'the battle',; watched him help out the Navajo rez. Yes sir he's a hero, got it all on video. Haven't seen much of his face since his public demands for all of us to mask-up and take one for humanity. My money was on Penn.

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